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输入是指提供给状态机的数据,这些数据会影响其行为。在 XState 中,您可以在使用 createActor(machine, { input }) 函数创建 actor 时,通过第二个参数提供输入:

import { createActor, setup } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = setup({
types: {
context: {} as {
userId: string;
feedback: string;
rating: number;
input: {} as {
userId: string;
defaultRating: number;
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

创建带有输入的 actor

您可以通过从 actor 逻辑创建器的第一个参数的 input 属性读取输入,将 input 传递给任何类型的 actor,例如 fromPromise()fromTransition()fromObservable() 和其他 actor 逻辑创建器。

使用 fromPromise() 的输入:

import { createActor, fromPromise } from 'xstate';

const userFetcher = fromPromise(({ input }: { input: { userId: string } }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`).then((res) => res.json());

const userFetcherActor = createActor(userFetcher, {
input: {
userId: '123',

userFetcherActor.onDone((data) => {
// logs the user data for userId 123

Input with fromTransition():

import { createActor, fromTransition } from 'xstate';

const counter = fromTransition((state, event)) => {
if (event.type === 'INCREMENT') {
return { count: state.count + 1 };
return state;
}, ({ input }: { input: { startingCount?: number } }) => ({
count: input.startingCount ?? 0,

const counterActor = createActor(counter, {
input: {
startingCount: 10,

Input with fromObservable():

import { createActor, fromObservable } from 'xstate';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const intervalLogic = fromObservable(({ input }: { input: { interval: number } }) => {
return interval(input.interval);

const intervalActor = createActor(intervalLogic, {
input: {
interval: 1000,



当 actor 启动时,它会自动向自身发送一个名为 xstate.init 的特殊事件。如果在 createActor(logic, { input }) 函数中提供了 input,它将包含在 xstate.init 事件中:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
entry: ({ event }) => {
// logs { userId: '123', defaultRating: 5 }
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

使用输入调用 actor

您可以通过 invoke 配置的 input 属性向被调用的 actor 提供输入:

import { createActor, setup } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = setup({
actors: {
liveFeedback: fromPromise(({ input }: { input: { domain: string } }) => {
return fetch(`https://${input.domain}/feedback`).then((res) =>
invoke: {
src: 'liveFeedback',
input: {
domain: '',

invoke.input 属性可以是静态输入值,也可以是返回输入值的函数。该函数将接收一个包含当前 contextevent 的对象:

import { createActor, setup } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = setup({
actors: {
fetchUser: fromPromise(({ input }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`).then((res) => res.json());
context: {
userId: '',
feedback: '',
rating: 0,
invoke: {
src: 'fetchUser',
input: ({ context }) => ({ userId: context.userId }),
// ...

生成带有输入的 actor

您可以通过 spawn 配置的 input 属性向生成的 actor 提供输入:

import { createActor, setup, type AnyActorRef } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = setup({
types: {
context: {} as {
userId: string;
feedback: string;
rating: number;
emailRef: AnyActorRef;
actors: {
emailUser: fromPromise(({ input }: { input: { userId: string } }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`, {
method: 'POST',
// ...
context: {
userId: '',
feedback: '',
rating: 0,
emailRef: null,
// ...
on: {
'feedback.submit': {
actions: assign({
emailRef: ({ context, spawn }) => {
return spawn('emailUser', {
input: { userId: context.userId },
// ...



  • 替代了旧的为机器编写工厂函数的方法:
// 旧方法:使用工厂函数
const createFeedbackMachine = (userId, defaultRating) => {
return createMachine({
context: {
feedback: '',
rating: defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackMachine1 = createFeedbackMachine('123', 5);

const feedbackActor1 = createActor(feedbackMachine1).start();

// 新方法:使用输入
const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

传递新数据给 actor

更改输入不会导致 actor 重新启动。您需要向 actor 发送一个事件以传递新数据给 actor:

const Component = (props) => {
const feedbackActor = useActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: props.userId,
defaultRating: props.defaultRating,

useEffect(() => {
type: 'userId.change',
userId: props.userId,
}, [props.userId]);

// ...

输入和 TypeScript

您可以在机器设置的 types.input 属性中强类型化机器的 input

import { createActor, setup } from 'xstate';

const machine = setup({
types: {
input: {} as {
userId: string;
defaultRating: number;
context: {} as {
userId: string;
feedback: string;
rating: number;
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,

const actor = createActor(machine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,


使用下面的 XState 输入速查表快速入门。


const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

速查表:为被调用的 actor 提供输入

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
invoke: {
src: 'liveFeedback',
input: {
domain: '',

速查表:为被调用的 actor 提供动态输入

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: 'some-user-id',
invoke: {
src: 'fetchUser',
input: ({ context }) => ({ userId: context.userId }),

速查表:为生成的 actor 提供输入

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: '',
// ...
on: {
'feedback.submit': {
actions: assign({
emailRef: ({ context, spawn }) => {
return spawn('emailUser', {
input: { userId: context.userId },
// ...